Thursday, November 28, 2019
Morningrise by Opeth free essay sample
We head back a couple albums into the more brutal side of Opeth. By then, Opeth have released two albums in total and with Candlelight Records that seem more brutal than what most Opethians are well used to by now. From the aponimous debut Orchid represent who they were, a more diverse force of nature, and, much like YouTube, too many jump cuts. Then Morningrise comes to say hello with longer tracks, fewer tracks, and more brutality than Orchid. Morningrise is Opeth`s second album ever. Morningrise does seem to share lots of similarities to its father album Orchid due to it being brutal as #$@ and excessively long tracks. However, they uped both of the factors I just mentioned and created something that only includes five tracks and over an hour of long lasting chaos. Within this madness we also get the final tracks Black Rose Immortal and To Bid You Farewell the former of which is the longest Opeth song to date at well over 20 minutes. We will write a custom essay sample on Morningrise by Opeth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The other three tracks: Advent, The Night and The Silent Water, and Nectar; are well put together and have some of the most jarring moments in music history. Take this as an example: say you have to go to school in 10 minutes but then you hear they very soft transition from Advent to The Night and the Silent Water. You feel very intrigued to the point where you wish to finish this album all the way through before going anywhere else. You dont care if youre late to class or late for the bus, you must finish this first! That is what it feels like, and there are many more to keep you interested so it never truly gets boring and stale. Plus think about it, a 20 minute Opeth song. That sounds like Heaven to me! While it may still feel like, well, not Opeth, do give this a try. Besides, Mikael was also in death metal band Bloodbath for a while and this is more like blackened progressive death metal which seems pretty interesting if you think about. I give this a 9/10. I am the Grim Reaper , signing off.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Lab report toothpickase Essays
Lab report toothpickase Essays Lab report toothpickase Paper Lab report toothpickase Paper As time went on and towards the end of the two minutes the rate started to stay the same. The trend between the Control and the Trail 2- Enzyme Mutation (Tied Fingers) graph is that Trail 2 produced fewer reactions, averaging at 1 toothpick per 10 second, in the same amount of time. This is because the enzymes index and middle finger were taped together, preventing it to conduct efficient work. The trend between the Control and the Trail 3- Enzyme Mutation (Breaking two at a time) graph is that the line displayed an initial increase, then a gradual decline. Finally, the rate increased once again and hen started to stabilize. This applies to the graph of Trail 3 where the enzyme broke two toothpicks at a time to increase the substrate. SOURCES OF ERROR Possible Errors The toothpicks used were not all the same. The toothpicks that were broken may not all of been completely broken in half. The enzyme may have looked during the breaking of the toothpicks. The recorder or counter may have made a mistake while counting the toothpicks. Influence of Error A particular brand of toothpicks may have been stronger than others, which would slow the reaction rate because more force would have to be exerted urine the reaction. The toothpicks that arent broken completely in half do not count as a reaction therefore they could not influence the reaction rate. If the enzyme looks while conducting the reaction then it doesnt count towards the reaction rate and then decreasing it. If a reaction was accidentally over looked that couldve increased or decreased the reaction rate, then the data is inaccurate Control of Error The brand could have been controlled by keeping all of the same toothpicks together and only using those. The clean break of toothpicks could have been enthroned by the enzyme making sure that the break was complete by feeling the substrate. The error of looking could have been prevented by blind folding the enzyme. The error of inaccurate counting could have been prevented by doing more trails. This wouldnt prevent the mistake since it is human error but, it could validate accuracy. CONCLUSION The hypothesis for Trial 2 was if the enzyme has a weakening mutation then the reaction rate will be slower compared to the Control Trials. The hypothesis was supported because based off of the data and trends of the graph the reaction ate averaged at 1 toothpick per 10 seconds while the Control Trials reaction rate averaged at 2. 5 toothpicks every 10 seconds. This decrease in reaction rate is due to the mutation of taping the enzymes index finger and thumb together. As shown in the Reaction Rate vs Time graph, you may notice a decrease in the reaction rate over 120 seconds by the green line. The decrease in reaction rate between the control and this case of a mutated enzyme that is shown can be attributed to the hindering mutati on of the dominant hand. Since taping the index finger and thumb together was the only thing changed this mutation was expansible for the decrease in reaction rate. This can relate to the present world because scientific studies have shown that some mutated enzymes will have fewer reactions with the substrates therefore they decrease the reaction rate. The hypothesis for Trial 3 is if the enzyme has a strengthening mutation then the reaction rate will be quicker compared to the Control Trial. This hypothesis was refuted because due to the evidence presented in the data graphs and tables, the reaction rate averages at about one broken toothpick every 10 seconds while the Control averaged at about 2. Toothpicks every 10 seconds. The initial increase and the gradual decline of the reaction rate can be attributed to the mutation of the enzyme breaking two toothpicks at a time. Referencing the orange line on the Reaction Rate vs Time graph there was an overall decrease in the reaction rate compared to the Control Trials, the purple line. This decrease in reaction rate between the mutated abilities of the enzyme and the control indicates that by incre asing the amount of toothpicks the enzyme could break even caused a decrease in the reaction rate. Since breaking two toothpicks at a mime was the only thing changed this mutation was responsible for the decrease in reaction rate. I can relate this to real life situations because if more used products are in the way of the new substrates then it will be hard to identify which one can be used. After completing this experiment I am led to conclude that the reaction rate of an enzyme will fluctuate between high and low amounts of reactions but it will ultimately decrease as the substrates become harder to find. INTRODUCTION The problem during this experiment was needing a physical representation of enzyme action. In order to do this we simulated enzyme reactions through breaking toothpicks. In the experiment one person is the enzyme and will be breaking the toothpicks. The other members of the group will be writing down the quantitative results, timing the reactions, or counting the reactions. After that you will find the reaction rate of each trial. At least two trials need to have been changed in a way that would alter your results. You can compare your results using a line graph. There you will be able to see how each reaction rate is different. Finally you can conclude why. An enzyme is a catalyst therefore it can decrease the activation energy that is needed to start a chemical reaction but still increase the rate of the chemical reaction. Enzymes exist in living things and are found as proteins in cells. A substrate is a specific reactant that an enzyme acts on. Each enzyme has a specific substrate that it will only act on. The different conditions that an enzyme is exposed to, whether it be temperature, mutation, or increased substrates, will affect the reaction that an enzyme has. Catalysts are needed to speed up the process of essential chemical reactions that occur at an organisms body temperature. When substrates bind to an enzyme the chemical bonds start to grow weaker resulting in the need for less activation energy in order to break the bonds. In this experiment there were many roles. One person of a group acts as an enzyme for the whole experiment. Specifically, their index finger and thumb on their dominant hand is the enzyme. The toothpicks are the substrate. The active site, where the substrate and enzyme fit together, is in between your finger and thumb.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
102 Critical Reading and Integrity Professor Ramos Blog
102 Critical Reading and Integrity Quick Write Quick Write What is Integrity? Integrity: 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty 2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished. What does it mean to be a person of integrity? Are you a person of integrity? Integrity and Hypocrisy What is hypocrisy? Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which oneââ¬â¢s own behavior does not conform; pretense. Rep. Tim Murphy resigns from Congress after Allegedly asking a Woman to have Abortion. Member of the Pro-Life Caucus Research Any questions on research? We are researching not to find a ready made answer to our problem, but to find evidence to examine and support the answer we come up with. There is no perfect source, but sources that will help us to learn about the topic/point/problem we are researching. It is up to you to come up with a solution to the problem and support it using reliable evidenc.e Chp. 2 Critical Reading Active Reading Previewing Author: You can discern information from the author or the author bio. Place of Publication: may reveal subject, style, and approach. Title: May give an idea about the text. Context: Consider the situational conditions the text was produced. Context of production Content of consumption Skimming: Pay close attention to headings and subheadings. Look for the Thesis. Thesis: The main point or major claim The First and Last Rule Authors place main points of emphasis at the beginning and ending of essays, paragraphs, and sentences. Reading with a Careful Eye Underline, highlight, or annotate the text. Read for the main points, or important points. Do not highlight everything. Read with a purpose. Read to understand, question, and analyze the text. ââ¬Å"This; Therefore, Thatâ⬠To arrive at a coherent thought or series of thoughts that will lead to a reasonable conclusion. Follow the text you are readings thoughts as well as your own before reaching a conclusion. Define Terms and Concepts Read carefully to how the terms and concepts are used in the argument. Define words and concepts. Summarizing and Paraphrase Summary: Say briefly what the whole adds up to. Paraphrase: a word-by-word or phrase-by-phrase rewording of a text. A translation of the authorââ¬â¢s language into your own. Why summary and paraphrase? validateà the basis of your argument. clarifyà the complex ideas contained in a text. supportà your argument lend authorityà to your voice help you build new ideasà from existing ideas on the topic. Paraphrase, Patchwriting, and Plagiarism Quoting: Copy word for word Paraphrase: reword a point or idea. Summarize: the main idea of a text. Patchwriting: produce a medley of borrowed words and original words. Plagiarism: Submitting the work of others intentionally or unintentionally as your own. To avoid plagiarism, carefully track your notes, paraphrases, and summaries. Strategies for Summarizing Summarize paragraphs so you can follow the threads of the argument. A summary can be a sentence, a paragraph, or a page long. Depends on how much room you have and how much you need to include. Summary does not include your own thoughts. Summary does not include your own thoughts. Summaries can be for reading comprehension, but in essay writing the point is to assist your own argument. Remember when writing a summary you are putting yourself into the authorââ¬â¢s shoes. Critical Summary A longer summary that you intent to integrate into your own argument, and with your own ideas interjected. Introduceà the summary. Explainà the major point or argument the source makes. Exemplifyà by offering one or more representative examples. Problematizeà by placing your assessment, analysis, and questions in the summary. Extendà by tying the summary to your argument.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Rate of Radioactive Decay Worked Example Problem
Rate of Radioactive Decay Worked Example Problem You can use the equation of the rate of radioactive decay to find how much of an isotope is left after a specified length of time. Here is an example of how to set up and work the problem. Problem 22688Ra, a common isotope of radium, has a half-life of 1620 years. Knowing this, calculate the first order rate constant for the decay of radium-226 and the fraction of a sample of this isotope remaining after 100 years. Solution The rate of radioactive decay is expressed by the relationship: k 0.693/t1/2 where k is the rate and t1/2 is the half-life. Plugging in the half-life given in the problem: k 0.693/1620 years 4.28 x 10-4/year Radioactive decay is a first order rate reaction, so the expression for the rate is: log10 X0/X kt/2.30 where X0 is the quantity of radioactive substance at zero time (when the counting process starts) and X is the quantity remaining after time t. k is the first order rate constant, a characteristic of the isotope that is decaying. Plugging in the values: log10 X0/X (4.28 x 10-4/year)/2.30 x 100 years 0.0186 Taking antilogs: X0/X 1/1.044 0.958 95.8% of the isotope remains
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Environmental Fluid Mechanics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Essay Example Underground streams, in caves are considered open channels as long as they have free surfaces. Natural channels are usually irregular in cross section and alignment and in character and roughness of stream bed. Streams with erodible material may frequently or continuously shift their location and cross-section. Such irregularities and changes in natural streams introduce engineering problems, for example, in navigation and flood control, which treats only of flow in fixed channels of uniform roughness. Artificial channels are those that are built for various purposes. In water power development, water is brought from streams or reservoirs to head works above water plants. In irrigation, water is brought from streams or reservoirs to storage ponds or tanks or directly to lands to be irrigated. In the city water supply, water is brought from streams or storage reservoirs to ponds supplying city distribution systems. Sewerage, city sewerage, although usually covered conduits or pipes, o rdinarily are designed as open channels because they are not supposed to flow but to have a free surface under atmospheric pressure. In drainage, low-lying, swampy, or waterlogged lands are frequently made productive by draining them through open ditches or by laying and covering pipe which may or may not flow full. In flood control, protection of cities or valuable lands from floods often requires improving a natural channel by straightening, cleaning, or paving to increase its capacity, or buy building additional flood channels on new locations. Design of the open channel: From the topographic map that was taken from the Data Library, University of Edinburgh, the first thing to be done is to modify further the topographic map. The designation of elavations to 1(one) meter interval to get the precise elevation of the pathway of the proposed design of the open channel is important. From the modified topographic map, we are now able to pinpoint the exact location or track of the open channel. From the elevation of Esthwaite water which is 65 meters, it will flow down to an elevation of 39 meters which is the elevation of Windermere Lake. The analysis of the critical points of the channel is very necessary because it will determine the design of the open channel to be constructed. The length of the open channel is approximately 3.25 kilometers from Esthwaite Water to WindermereLake. Assign point 0+000 at the mouth of the channel which is at southern most tip of Esthwaite Water. Hence, cross-section of the open channel track at a 100 meters interval must b e plotted in order to make the specific design or the slope and elevation at that particular place or station. Aside from the plotting of the 100 meter interval of the proposed track, critical points must also be noted and, cross sectional drawings must be done. This is to make sure that the design of the open channel is efficient, and that the estimate to be done in the construction is factual. But as we can see from the open channel layout map, the elevation from the southern tip of Estwaite Water which is station 0+000 to station 2+000 is constant. But at station 0+030, the channel will have to cross a road. The road elevation is at approximately 67 meters as shown in the map, therefore the channel
The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention - Essay Example Trade among countries plays a fundamental role in building their economical power. With mutual collaboration in terms of trade, different nations satisfy one anotherââ¬â¢s needs. In fact, many nations depend upon trade and will suffer from severe economic decline if the trade ended. Once this happens, economic decline will soon be followed by cultural and social decline, and such a nation may collapse as a whole. Role of trade in maintaining the solidarity and integrity of a nation can not be denied. Yet, Friedmanââ¬â¢s assertion that trade partners can never fight with each other seems quite exaggerated and abstract, and history provides evidence for this. Although Friedman has referred to the case of India and Pakistan, and China and Taiwan in an attempt to support his argument with facts from the history, yet a careful analysis of the very cases suggests that there were several other reasons that kept India and Pakistan from fighting with each other that were much more stron ger than the maintenance of trade. India and Pakistan did not fight with each other in the start of 21st century because India had realized that Pakistan is also accoutered with nuclear power. Had she started the war, Pakistan would have paid her in the same coin, and the consequences would have been as unfavorable for India herself, as for Pakistan. To say that India did not start a war with Pakistan at that time because she feared she would loose her trade partners is indeed, incomplete truth. Similar reasons can be sorted out for the case of China and Taiwan. Corporate bodies have opened their franchises almost all over the world. Same holds true for embassies. All countries have conventionally maintained their embassies in conflicting countries. The safety of embassies has never been on stake despite that fact that a lot of countries have indulged in war with one another in the past. On the other hand, William Duiker is skeptical about the unity among individual nations on the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Analysis of ACS Cobham International School's Organization and It's Essay
Analysis of ACS Cobham International School's Organization and It's Strategic Plan - Essay Example The essay is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the organizationââ¬â¢s key targets, objectives and products .Section 3 discusses the competitive environment of the organization .Section 4 discusses the overall environment of the organization including both external and internal environments .Section 5 concludes the essay and makes recommendations for improvement of the strategic plan of the organization. 2. Targets, Objectives and Services ACS Cobham International School, London is part of the ACS International School group which consists of four schools, three of which are in England and the other in Doha. The school offers education from early childhood children to high school International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, and an American curriculum, including Advanced Placement (AP) courses (ACS, 2011a). According to Collins and Porras (1996), the mission statement of a company gives its important ideology and visionary components. The three major components of the mission st atement are generally identified as the committed core values, core purpose and the visionary goals to be followed by the firm to fulfil its mission. The goal of the school ââ¬Å"is to encourage critical thinkers, responsible global citizens, and students who are prepared to achieve the highest standards, both in their subsequent education and throughout their careersâ⬠(ACS, 2011b).This goal is expected to achieve through excellent quality of teaching, student centered approach, high quality curriculum, creative thinking and independent learning development, multi cultured atmosphere, educating high values and morals and participative approach(ACS, 2011c). 3. Competitive Analysis According to Coulter (2005), there are both specific environment, like customers, competitors, suppliers etc which influence directly the companyââ¬â¢s strategic decision and general environment like political, economic, social and technological sectors that indirectly affect the companyââ¬â¢s strategic decisions. The specific environment factors affecting a companyââ¬â¢s strategic decisions are analyzed based on the model of the five competitive forces by Porter (1980). Porterââ¬â¢s model is based on the insight that a corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizationââ¬â¢s external environment. This model includes the analysis of determinants of the intensity of competition and profitability of the industry like bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of entry of new competitors, threat of substitutes and competitive rivalry (Pavlicek, 2008). However, the main criticisms against the Porterââ¬â¢s models are their focus on only profitability and survival and the assumptions of classic perfect market, simple and static market structures and competitive markets which disable to capture the dynamics of markets .Hence, it cannot consider new business cycle models (Speed, 1989 and Sharp, 1996). In spite of th ese criticisms, this model is still popular for external analysis. The results of Porterââ¬â¢s five forces for ACS are given below. 1. Threat of New Entry Entry barriers are low in the education sector in UK .There are a large number of schools in UK with different arrangements,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Slavery and Western Expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Slavery and Western Expansion - Essay Example In the article, the author explores the failures and triumphs of this period in American history and ends the article by citing fewer celebrations from the period and more disappointments. The author believes that land distribution was a missed opportunity and an egregious failure of this period, claiming that this should have been integral during the emancipation (Dubois 601). This oversight was compounded by injustices directed at the freed slaves concerning civil and labor rights such as black codes and sharecropping. Du Bois, despite the failings, describes the Reconstructionââ¬â¢s failure as splendid wedged between its shortcomings. It is the triumphs of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments, as well as education for African Americans. Overall, the reason that Reconstruction failed was due to the many defeats that outweighed the few successes. In the article, Du Bois emphasizes the issue of land distribution to the slaves who had been freed as one failure after the Reconstruction. General Shermanââ¬â¢s Field Order 15, given in 1865, gave hope for redistribution as he ordered the confiscation of plantation land and its division into sections of 40 acres, which would be given to the freed slaves. Unfortunately, they were removed from the land with the government failing to follow up on General Shermanââ¬â¢s order, as well as reneging on the pre-war declaration by Andrew Johnson regarding land redistributionââ¬â¢s necessity. The author has a Marxist view of the failing, claiming variously ââ¬Å"Liberalism did not understand . . . revolution was economic and involved force. . . . It hoped with the high humanitarian of Charles Sumner eventually to induce the planter to surrender his economic power peacefully . . . that other Charles ââ¬âà Karl Marx à ââ¬âà had not yet publishedà Das Kapital to prove to men that economic power underlies politicsâ⬠(Du Bois 591). The force and economics referred to by Du Bois are tenants of General Shermanââ¬â¢s Field Order 15, which involved the confiscation and redistribution of land to be put to use by freed slaves. This would allow for the assimilation of the former slaves into the Southââ¬â¢s economic structure. The argument put across by Du Bois is not in violation of American principles present at the time. The Republican Government gave railroad corporations Southern land in the same period. Since these corporations were eligible for this, then the massive numbers of former slaves were too. Instead of economic independence via land redistribution, Southern landowners were free to implement tenant farming to control the former slaves. Dubois describes the system as serfdom that was established in territories, in the South. Serfdom gave a false impression of land distribution with landowners requiring that those who lived on their land gave them part of the crops that they harvested. They were also expected to get their equipment from the landown er at inflated prices that caused them to fall further into debt (Dubois 597). Tenant farming, in essence, is representative of an effort to bring back slavery to the furthest possible degree in the South after the war. Since chattel slavery was now illegal, they turned to binding former slaves to land via perpetual poverty and debt, creating legal and new forms of servitude. Black codes were another dehumanizing aspect faced by Southern freed slaves with legislation that limited and stripped their civil liberties and rights during this period. Passed in late 1865, the Black Code
Monday, November 18, 2019
Assignment about ethics 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
About ethics 2 - Assignment Example Julie arrived late in an ice storm but managed to get to the offices of Wal-Mart headquarters where Wright started grilling her regarding the agency review process. He asked her how she had picked DraftFCB as the agency which would take Wal-Mart on the amount of 1 billion dollars per year account. Julie had interviewed about 30 agencies before settling on the Draft. The questions that the president of the company asked her were based on whether she had allowed any of the agencies to pay for her dinner while she was talking to them. he also asked her of whether she had agreed to be carried in one of the cars that belonged to those agencies (Salmon, 2012). Four days after the interview had taken place, Juulie Roehm was fired because she had violated the strict ethcs policy that had been set for all Wal-Martââ¬â¢s employees. As Wal-Mart expert stated, ââ¬Å"Wal-Mart had a kind of unbending almost obsessive adherence to even the trivialist elements of an ethical code. They are a brut al competitor and everybody acknowledged that. However, Wal-Mart was also the company that wouldnââ¬â¢t take a dinner from you, that wouldnââ¬â¢t let you provide a soda if you went to meet them to talk about business, where they wouldnââ¬â¢t join trade associations for many, many years because they didnââ¬â¢t want to pay dues and have a conflict of interestâ⬠(Salmon, 2012). It is well known that Castro-Wright, who was the president, was responsible for the corruption scandal that happened in Walmex. This brought up an important question. Did the corruption that occurred in one of Wal-Martââ¬â¢s chains occur irrespective of Wal-Marts strict ethics code? The point of contention here is that Wal-Mart left essentially nothing to the discretion of its employees showing that is did not trust any employee to do the right thing or make the right decision. Wal-Mart had codified everything in the form of rules and instructed that all employees follow these rules to the la tter. This issue resulted in a detrimental effect that can be seen in Roehmââ¬â¢s situation just for the fact that she agreed to take a soda (Salmon, 2012). On top of that, the senior executives of Wal-Mart were expected to have high levels of discretion when it came to ensuring that those rules were strictly implemented. Therefore, for a person like Roehm who failed to reach that level of discretion was easily fired. On the other hand, when it came to investigations of the conduct of the companyââ¬â¢s president it was easy to give the roles of the investigation to one of his loyal subordinates who did what the president expected him to do and burry the case. Accepting dinner is not in any way illegal. However, engaging in sham investigations is illegal. In Wal-Mart, the allegations of the corrupt deals that happened at the Mexican chain, Walmex, ought to have been taken more seriously than what Roehm did. However, the executives at Wal-Mart saw the world in black and white an d failed to differentiate between unethical behavior and an illegal conduct. As a result, Wal-Mart executives were liable for criminal charges. This issue presents a conflict of int
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ongkas Big Moka Essay Example for Free
Ongkas Big Moka Essay His moka as the culmination of feasts ending a particularly bitter war Lessons from the Film: *Illustrates the Big Man as hero but also as persuader, not commander *Complexity of competitive feasting, rival Big Men on all sides *The guests are not transformed, they remain enemies or rivals *The huge quantities of goods given away ââ¬â does it seem strange to you? *Both redistribution and balanced leading to negative reciprocity here. General Notes: *Headmen can only persuade, not order people around. If he pushes too hard, people will not go along with him. *Ongka lives in the mens house which is communal. He has 4 wives and 9 children. Each wife has her own residence in which she lives with her children. *Cassowary ââ¬â birds captured in the forest ââ¬â given in Moka much like the Chinese give pandas to foreign dignitaries *Sweet potatoes are the food of humans and pigs. Food/shelter/clothes/tools come from the gardens and the forest, but to get ahead in life, one must have pigs. *Only 8-10 full grown pigs can be taken care of at a time. so, one must invest in other peoples pigs to gather together enough for a Moka. *Ongkas great skill is his speech-making abilities. He also has $1800 Australian dollars in a Mt. Hagen Savings Bank from the sale of coffee that comes from the mountains and the Kawelka. *Dressing up for Ongka meant to put on traditional garments, Bird of Paradise feathers, Cassowary feathers, etc. *What do they need money for? False teeth; transportation services; some clothes *Before the Moka, Ongka found an extra wife just because of her capacity for work to help Rumbicore with the pigs for the final Moka. *Riema upset the date for the Moka by saying that he and his group had done sorcery on a neighboring headman that caused him to die suddenly. Some of his pigs were killed and he had to go into hiding. The Moka finally happened and included:Ongka says it is the biggest Moka ever given.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Background Of Yeo Hiap Seng Management Essay
Background Of Yeo Hiap Seng Management Essay Mr. Yeo Keng Lian is the founder of YEO HIAP SENG. In the year 1990, Yeos history has started in Amoy, China with a small soya sauce factory was set up in that particular year. In the year 1957, the first YEO HIAP SENG office in Malaysia was established. Now, YEO HIAP SENG (MALAYSIA) BERHAD has become a public listed company on Bursa Malaysia. It operates in the consumer products sector which engages in the production, marketing and sale of food and beverage products. (BURSA MALAYSIA, 2011). Mr. Tjong Yik Min, who is a Singaporean and was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer on 1 June 2010. (YEO HIAP SENG (MALAYSIA) BERHAD, 2011) The company offers its food and beverage products included the Yeos, Cintan, Justea, SoyRich, Isotonic H-Two-O, and Yogurt brand names. They use the freshest ingredients for their products to maintain the quality of their products in order to achieve their vision which is to be the No.1 Asian food and beverage company in Malaysia. YEOs has achieved their vision in soya milk, tea drink and can meat category; and now they are trying to achieve their vision in can food and instant noodles category as well. (YEO HIAP SENG (MALAYSIA) BERHAD, 2011). There are several main competitors of this company such as Nestlà © S.A., Coca-Cola Co., Fraser Neave Holdings Bhd (FN) and some others. The most important factor that leads to succeed of this company is their 5Cs guiding principles that are not applied by other companies. These 5Cs are consumer focus, category leadership, channel management, cost control and confidence. (YEO HIAP SENG (MALAYSIA) BHD, 2004) CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITY Marketplace Corporate governance Statement on Corporate Governance The Board of Directors has fully committed to the principles of corporate governance and best practices as embodied in the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (the Code). The Board has taken every step to ensure the highest standards of corporate governance are practiced throughout the Group in order to protect and enhance shareholders value and the financial performance of the Group. Composition of Board Balance The board of the company consists of nine members, including two Executive Directors and seven Non- Executive Directors. There is one-third of the Independent Non Executive officer in the board membership. Furthermore, the chairman is separate apart from the chief executive director. The chairman is responsible for leadership of the board and monitoring the effectiveness of the company. However, the chief executive director is control over the groups business such as implementation of major strategies where adopted by the member of the board. Senior Management Remuneration The determination of the remuneration of the Non-Executive Directors is a matter for the Board as a whole. However, Directors are not allowed to participate in decision making where regarding to their own remuneration. Shareholders have approved the remuneration of the directors on the AGM. Besides, the Audit Committee and Independent Non-Executive Directors are paid attendances allowances to be as a board committee. Internal control The Board has recognized the importance of a sound system of internal control and acknowledged its ultimate responsibilities in maintaining the same, which includes the establishment of an appropriate control environment and risk management framework, as well as reviewing, monitoring and ensuring its adequacy and integrity. CSR Management/ Reporting Corporate responsibility statement Yeos has integrated its corporate responsibility into a sustainable business model that goes beyond shareholders interests, for the betterment of society, as a socially responsible company. It has reflected their commitments to customers, employees, investors, suppliers and the community. Third Party Report Audit and Review The board of Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad is included audit committee as their member. Audit committee is to review the issues of accounting policies and presentation for external financial reporting. Meanwhile, audit committee has monitors the works of the internal audit function and ensures an objective and maintained the relationship with external auditors. Reporting guideline The Directors of Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad are responsible to ensure the integrity of the financial statement and the effectiveness of the financial controls, risk management systems and internal control. Other than that, the directors are also responsible to ensure that all financial statements are accordance with Companies Act, 1965 and Malaysian Accounting Standards (MASB). Stakeholder Engagement Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad engage in constant dialogue with their stakeholders through Annual General Meeting (AGM) and other meetings. Their AGM are in the primary platform for two direct way interactions with stakeholders and board of the company. They are constantly updating the companys performance to the stakeholders such as quarterly financial announcement. Procurement policies Maintain the Highest Halal Standard Compliance During the year 2011, Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad has commitment with the highest Halal Standard Compliance. This honor had proven that the company had contributed a lot of works on their ingredients, employees and systems in order to maintain the most rigorous of halal standards in Malaysia. Moreover, the company adheres to strict hygiene standards and stringent quality control in order to ensure the high quality of all its products to their consumers. ENVIRONMENT Environmental policy Reusable Resources. Yeos has committed and passionate about environmental conservation. Yeos has become the first food and beverage to introduce their Asian Drinks products in Tetra Pak packaging which is environmental friendly and recyclable. Set targets for improvements and significant initiatives to reduce Moving Toward Paper-less Yeos has introduced several programmes to upgrade IT infrastructure which aim to encourage paperless environment through electronic communications and e-filing system. Beside, Distributor Management System (DMS) has been introduced and implemented by Yeos to enhance the effort of paperless environment. WORKPLACE Health Safety (HS) issues Committed to Hazard Free Zone Yeos has dedicated to afford a safe, healthy secure and contributive workplace for all the visitors, employees and business stakeholders. The promise to the effective implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Policy has achieved a hazard-free work zone. Yeos has organized different communications activities and campaigns to confirm the employees awareness of safety precautions. Human capital development Continue to Build Human Capital Yeos has entrust to provide a supportive working culture for the companys employees through training and development programmes. During the year 2011, the employees have participated in external training programmes and various in-house from technical-related skill to soft management skills. Yeos expected to bring up the future workforce of their industry; hence, Yeos continues to welcome the interns of short-term attachment to complete their degree requirements. Employee welfare Employee benefit Yeos aim to enrich the performance of staff throughout staff recognition schemes, offering equal opportunities, training and development and creating sound employees relations. Every year, in acknowledgment of the loyal, devoted and committed employees, Yeos has pleased and rewarded the long service employees at its Annual Dinner and Dance. COMMUNITY Details on the companys community investment initiatives Yeos Program Susu Soya Sekolah 2 Yeos initiated a corporate responsibility campaign, Yeos Program Susu Soya Sekolah in year 2010 and received positive feedbacks from public. Thus, Yeos continued this initiative with Yeos Program Susu Soya Sekolah 2. This campaign covered another 100 schools and reached out to another 50,000 students with an aim to instill the importance of a balanced diet and in educating the students on preserving the environment through recycling. Yeos Scholarship Programme Students from 51 primary schools in the Klang Valley and Putrajaya took part in the Yeos Program Tajaan Biasiswa Sekolah backed by the spirit of enthusiasm and perseverance. Yeos logo from empty beverage packs was collected by students to struggle for the scholarship. Yeos achieved their primary objective in setting a platform for students to exercise creativity and problem solving skills through this programme. It also promotes the spirit of esprit de corps amongst students and teachers to work towards achieving the school category scholarship for school development fund. 1Malaysia Creative Sculpture Recycling Competition Yeos support the 1Malaysia philosophy by embarked on its green and remarkable 1Malaysia recycled sculpture competition among all participating schools of Yeos Program Susu Soya Sekolah using Yeos recyclable materials. It is to encourage the youngs creativity and nurture recycling mindset. Yeos awarded the winning schools each with school development fund to support the development and extra-educational activities at school level in order to recognize their effort in this competition. My New Village Carnival Yeos joined Nanyang Siang Pau in My New Village Carnival for three consecutive years to reach out to smaller communities and villages. Yeos contributed part of its sales generated from the carnival to the schools in those villages to support their infrastructural and facilities building fund. Besides that, Yeos also embarked on Embellish Your Village with Yeos in which the participating villages has collected, cleaned, and recycled Yeos recyclable materials to embellish a selected spot in the participating villages. Furthermore, Yeos has also shared knowledge of creative recycling through fun and interactive games. Dynamic Dance Competition Yeos in collaboration with China Press, organized a national dynamic dance competition in line with Lead a Joyful Life campaign. The main objective is to encourage the communities to live and lead a healthier and joyful lifestyle. Support of World Vision Malaysia Movement In order to raise fund for World Vision Malaysias movement, Yeos has supported 30-Hour Famine program through the sponsorship of soy milk to individual camps. It is to help those who are suffering from poverty and hunger, giving them the opportunity for improved health, better quality life, and hope. Factory Educational Visits Yeos continues its initiative to welcome the local and overseas colleges and universities to enhance students knowledge about the food and beverage manufacturing processes. AUDIT PROCEDURE MARKETPLACE Corporate Governance Statement on Corporate Governance The audit procedure that will be adopted is observation. For corporate governance, the BOD has fully committed to the principles of corporate governance and best practices. We should observe what step has been done by Yeo Hiap Seng ( Malaysia ) Berhad to ensure the highest standards of corporate governance are practiced to protect and enhance the shareholders value and the financial performance of the group. Composition of Board Balance Inspection of records and documents is required in the composition of board balance. The documents or records that we needs to observe including the legal form given by the company and annual general meetings and circular resolution. Those legal form or meetings are highly reliable since they are collected from government. Furthermore, confirmation letter send to third party from auditor to obtain reliable evidence to ensure the existence of the board that are independent. However, receive positive response from third party represents it is reliable evidence. Senior Management Remuneration The inspection of records or documents is needed in audit procedures. Before verify the transactions, we need to examine the reliability of the documentary evidence through vouching and tracing. Vouching is selecting an item from ledger or journal and then examines the underlying document, to ensure the occurrence of the transaction while tracing is another way round, for checking the completeness of the whole transaction. After confirmed the reliability of documentary evidence, just we will able to verify the transactions. Furthermore, computation of remuneration is needed in this circumstance. Computation consists of checking the mathematical accuracy of documents or records. Despite of checking any errors exist, it is normally considered as a highly reliable evidence when auditor creates this type of evidence, it include checking the posting from journals to ledgers, basic computation, recalculation of the transactions, reconciling ledgers to account balances. Internal control Control environment and risk management framework were established to maintain the internal control. Inquiry have to carry out with the board to gain an understanding of the importance of a sound internal control system and its techniques. Besides that, confirmation from the internal auditor of the company should be obtain to verify whether the company internal control function accordingly. CSR Management/ Reporting Corporate responsibility statement The audit procedure that will be used is confirmation of the arrangement to obtain corporate responsibility in marketplace area. Yeos has integrated into a sustainable business model. Thus, we should confirm if it exceeds the shareholders interests and reflects their commitments to customers, employees, investors, suppliers and community. Third Party Report Audit and Review Inspection of records and documentation is required for the audit committee. Therefore, we should review the evidence whether the audit committee is existed. While at the same time, we should inspect the relationship between the company and the board. Inspection is necessary in order to judge the independence of the board of audit committee. We need to check whether audit committee is having financial interest with the company. Moreover, inspect the relevance internal document is required in the audit procedures such as annual return, circular resolution and other form. In this circumstance, inquiries are needed in order to observe the employees are awareness towards the policy and regulation. Reporting Guideline We should review the policy and observes the evidence that the policy has been really followed such as Company Act, 1965, Malaysian Accounting Standards (MASB) and financial reporting standard. Moreover, inspect the relevance internal document is required in the audit procedures such as annual return, circular resolution and other form. In this circumstance, inquiries are needed in order to observe the employees are awareness towards the policy and regulation. Stakeholder Engagement Observation needed to perform on this circumstance. It consists of looking at a process or procedure being performed by others, for an example, the auditor might need to attend the organizing committee meeting, review the minutes of meeting or even attend the activity to perform the observation. However, it might face difficulty that people might act differently once the auditor is not around and the evidence is very limited. Procurement Policies First of all, Inspection of relevance records and documents about Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad is needed. The main reason of inspection is to ensure the company is provided a safety and halal food as they apply in the field operation. Other than that, confirmation letter can be send to third party, the distributor of the honor to obtained evidence and ensure the reliability and credibility of this honor received by Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad. Besides that, auditor on-site visit is needed in this commitment. The main purpose is to have more understanding the workplace environment to ensure that the food provided in clean, halal and safety, although it allowed auditor to obtained evidence but relatively low reliability and it do not leave an audit trail because they might act differently when they were being observed. ENVIRONMENT Environmental policy Reusable Resources The audit procedure that will be taken was inquire the management to get more understanding on the concept of Tetra Pak packaging uses in food and beverages products and the detail information of processing and packaging. Beside, physical observation on the process of packaging should be carry out to ensure quality control on the packaging done time to time and entire process was follow the company policies and procedure. Moreover, As an auditor, we should obtain Quality Control Report from the management and review report from independent consultant as an evidence whether the Tetra Pak packaging implement by Yeos is environmental friendly and recyclable. Lastly, any certification from relevant authority should be obtain from management. Set targets for improvements and significant initiatives to reduce Moving Toward Paper-less Yeos has introduced several programmes to upgrade IT infrastructure which aimed to encourage paperless environment. Auditors should inquire the management on whether the Distributor Management System (DMS) is implemented and function effectively by Yeos. Observation carry out to determine whether the system helps to enhance the effort and work effectively such as improving the reliability and quality of service in terms of reducing outages, minimizing outage time and decreasing the uses of paper. Besides, confirmation from independent IT consultant on the effectiveness of system should be obtain as an evidence. Services Report of DMS should require from the management to verify whether update and improvement on system have been carry out timely to ensure the system function effectively and efficiently. WORKPLACE Health Safety (HS) issues Committed to Hazard Free Zone The audit procedure taken is review the term of policy. The Occupational Safety and Health Policy were implemented to accomplish a hazard-free work zone. In consequence, we should review the term of Occupational Safety and Health Policy to make sure the visitors, employees and business stakeholders be familiar with the policy clearly and pay attention to safety and health. Besides, report for the activities and campaign that held by Yeos and the feedback of the employees should be obtain to perform checking whether the activities and campaign have enhance employees, customers, and other stakeholders awareness of safety n health. Moreover, confirmation should be obtain from related authority if there is any certificate that awarded by the society. Human capital development Continue to Build Human Capital The audit procedure that will be carried out is inquiry. Yeos has entrust to provide a caring working culture for the companys employees over and done with training and development programmes. We have a duty to inquire the employees on whether there is any programme or activities being performed by Yeos. Other than that, we have to inquire and confirm that what skills will be used, learned and will boot the future workforce through the programmes. Moreover, confirmation should be obtain from external specialize or processor who in-charge for the programmes to ensure the reliability of the information. Lastly, we should review the programs report of each function to ensure that every employee have involved. Employee welfare Employee benefit The audit procedure that we applied is review of the record of employees. We should review every employees detail and observe whether period of service have been recorded clearly. Inspection and scanning on the employee welfare policies should be carry out to examine whether management have perform accordingly. COMMUNITY Details on the companys community investment initiatives Yeos Program Susu Soya Sekolah 2 The audit procedure need to be done is obtaining confirmation from third parties. We have obtained a confirmation from Yeos Program Susu Soya Sekolah which received positive feedbacks from the public. We also inquire the management and students of some of the schools that involves about their involvement in this campaign. We can make sure that the existence of Yeos Program Susu Soya Sekolah 2. Yeos Scholarship Programme The audit procedure that we carried out is inspection on the documents that related to Yeos Program Tajaan Biasiswa Sekolah and checked the activities that have been done by Yeos to achieve their objective. We also performing the computation on the amounts that being given as scholarships to ensure that the amounts are not used for other purpose. 1Malaysia Creative Sculpture Recycling Competition The audit procedure to be done is obtaining confirmation from the winning schools whether they receive the fund from Yeos. Next, analyzing cash flow and profit of Yeos. We checked whether the fund is a cash outflow for Yeos and being minus out from its profit. My New Village Carnival The audit procedure carried out is inquiry Yeos whether has participated in My New Carnival with Nanyang Siang Pau. Besides that, we need to get confirmation from Nanyang Siang Pau about the existence of the carnival and involvement of Yeos. We should confirm the sales generated from the carnival have been contributed to support the schools infrastructural and facilities building fund. Dynamic Dance Competition The audit procedure done is inspection on the documents which related to the campaign and checked the activities done by Yeos to encourage communities to live and lead a healthier and joyful lifestyle. Support of World Vision Malaysia Movement The audit procedure carried out is obtaining confirmation from third parties about sponsorship of soy milk in 30-Hour Famine Programme. We have obtained the confirmation letter from the individual camps about the sponsorship to them. Factory Educational Visits The audit procedure need to be done is obtaining confirmation from colleges or universities about their visiting. Besides that, we should observe the method done by Yeos to enhance students knowledge about the manufacturing process of food and beverage. WEAKNESS AND RECOMMENDATION MARKETPLACE As we know that, Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad is focus more on the details of the Companys internal control and they did not much detail on the CSR event of the market place. Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad have to pay more attention on the CSR event of market place. The company is have a good internal control, yet does not focus more on the event of CSR such as empowerment of women and blood donation campaign. Moreover, product responsibility should disclose in the annual report. Product responsibility is needed for this company since Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad is a food and beverage industry. Product responsibility is a status for the company that it has provided a safety product and services. Recommendation Product responsibility is required in the Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad. Product responsibility can addresses the effect of product and services management on the customers such as health and safety, information and labeling, marketing and privacy. The company should exercise due care in the design of their products and services in order to ensure they are fit for the intended use. Some other specific policies and regulations are needed in order for Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad to function efficiently. However, the policies and regulations are to be set in place to govern the process of acquiring and keeping goods. As their main products are food and beverage, it is of the importance that the quality is maintained. Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad should set their reorder levels as such their inventories level is low and adequate without jeopardizing their daily operation. ENVIRONMENT Yeos does not have measurement systems The company does not implement the measurement systems in place to measure emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, energy consumption, water consumption and waste production and management which will harm the environment. The example for the measurement systems is Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems. Recommendation Yeos should implement Continuous Emissions Monitoring System, a tools to monitor and calculate the carbon footprint of stores and improve performances. Besides, internal control policies should be set up for the environmental concern to measure and reduce the direct and indirect emissions deriving from their operations in stores. Yeos can enhance the effort by implement the environmental and energy management systems, creating knowledge-based schemes within the company. Yeos does not conduct environmental impact assessment In Section 34A, Environmental Quality Act, 1974, it requires the projects that have significant impact to the environment have to carry out the Environmental impact assessment and submit the report to the Director of Environmental Quality for examination. Recommendation EIA is an assessment of the possible positive and negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, social and economic. Therefore, the environmental impact assessment should be conducted by Yeos for preventing environmental problems due to their business operation. Projects which bring the detrimental effects to environment will be discarded. The elements that will be assessed by EIA project are water quality, noise, air quality, wealth and other social impacts. Lastly, when EIA integrated with the existing planning and decision-making machinery, it could provides additional information for better decision making. WORKPLACE Yeos does not implement the work-life balance Use a better work-life balance to ensure that the employees have good quality of life. Nevertheless, Yeos company is not exercising the work-life balance. It does not offer the flexible working arrangements, pension plans, counselling or assistance programmes and sport activities for the employees. Recommendation Yeos should build up counselling service at the workplace and sport activities for employees. If a business environment is filled of challenges, employee will easily get nervousness and stressful all the time. Provided the counselling service, it can assist the employees to deal with the stress and mentally problem. Due to that, employees with a good physically and mentally condition will easily deal with the jobs problem and lend a hand company to accomplish a superior performance. Yeos does not cultivate diversity in workplace Having cultivate diversity in workplace is essential because it brings a great deal of creative suggestion, new idea and innovations from people who are in different background and different experience. Other than that, it may also bring a diverse pool of candidates means a more qualified workforce. Unfortunately the company does not work on the diversity in workplace this is because Yeos does not employ people with disabilities. Recommendation We recommend that Yeos should provide equal opportunities to people with disabilities. Discriminatory case on gender, races, nationality and physical ability should be avoided. We should involve everyone one of your employees to assist in achieving organizational goals and objectives regardless of race, colour, gender, ethnicity, age, religion, disability, or national origin. Learn to appreciate the unique differences in all individuals. Yeos should evaluate them based on their qualifications and the skills they possessed but not rejecting them even before they are been interviewed. Furthermore, Yeos may provide diversity training and select diverse individuals for leadership roles. COMMUNITY Employment of local workforce in its operation Yeos does not only hire local workers in its operation but also employ low-skilled foreign labours. Although it will reduce the expenses of company as the wages are low but it will create unemployment for the local workers. Furthermore, it will cause a low productivity since they are low-skilled and unable to perform some tasks that need professional skills. It needs training for them to perform those jobs which will incur additional cost. Recommendation We recommend that employment of local workforce to be carried out not only in management area but also the manufacturing area. The salary and welfare of employees should be discussed and improvement should be done to ensure that local workforce to be employed and reduce foreign labours. An adorable welfare system may help to attract more local workforce to work in the company. Internship or graduate placement schemes Yeos does not practice internship or graduate placement schemes. An internship can provide trainee to learn the skill to handle the jobs and gain some experience before they enter into workplace in future. A graduate placement can help the fresh graduates in their future career prospects as it builds the confidence and get relevant work experience. However, Yeos does not offer the internship and graduate placement schemes for the community. Recommendation Internship or graduate placement scheme should be provided by Yeos to community. Yeos can offer university students to have their internship in company. This can train undergraduate students to have more knowledge about this sector as well as skills and experience in the company. Besides that, Yeos can offers scholarship to college or university students. The scholarship enables students to save their costs for education expenses. By doing so, students will have the opportunity to work in the company after they graduate. Encouraging employee volunteerism Yeos encourage its employee to voluntary involve in activities that contribute to society. Employee volunteerism to the community is always appreciated by the company. The employees of Yeos are not unite and do not strive as much as possible in their work and lead to low productivity. Recommendation The company should put more effort in encouraging employees volunteerism in its CSR activities. An Employee Volunteerism programme should be developed by the company to attract employee involvement. Employee volunteerism is important for a company as it can improve the performance of employees in their works, enhance the companys image and reputation and increase the employees loyalty. For example, compa
Thursday, November 14, 2019
farewell to arms :: essays research papers
In Hemingwayââ¬â¢s semi-autobiographical classic A Farwell to Arms, Lieutenant Fredrick Henry labors through the first world war, then referred to as ââ¬Å" â⬠¦ the war to end all warsâ⬠. Henry is an American ambulance driver enlisted in the Italian army stationed in Austria. When a mortar explodes in Henryââ¬â¢s field post and nearly blows off his knee, heââ¬â¢s sent to an American-run hospital in Milan, Italy. There he re-unites with his lover, Catherine Barkley, an English Nurse he had a previous relationship on his days in a peaceful Austrian city; which consisted of playing a game of sorts, she asking him to declare his love until finally, to her dissent, Henry does declare legitimate affection with the utmost sincerity. The two then begin a torrent love affair inside the military hospital. During his six-month furlough, Henryââ¬â¢s attitude about the war drastically changes. When having an intimate conversation with Barkley one night he says ââ¬Å"If peo ple bring so much courage to this world the world has to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the brave impartially.â⬠This quote illustrates a very cynical point of view after Henry has lost his faith in human nature. Soon, he wishes to be completely isolated from all current international proceedings. The German army soon invades Italy, and Fredrick ultimately decides to run off to Switzerland with Nurse Barkley and escape the horrors of the war, rather than fight the invasion. During the retreat, the Italian Army was executing the officers considered traitors for not leading their men during a time of impending doom on the Austrian front.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Glass Menagerie: Existentialist Responsibilities Conveyed Through t
The story of a young Tennessee Williams is poetically portrayed through a 1945 Broadway Play, The Glass Menagerie. The main character, Tom Wingfield, lives in his familyââ¬â¢s apartment with his mother, Amanda Wingfield, and sister, Laura Wingfield. Their father left the family, and he remains a silent character appearing as a portrait on the apartment wall. Throughout the seven scenes, the immaturity of each family member is revealed. In search of adventure, Tom has dreams of being a writer and wishes to leave his family and factory job, like his father, to join the Merchant Marines. Laura lets her disability, a braced leg, hinder her finding a job or a husband, while Amanda stays in denial of her childrenââ¬â¢s failure by living in the past with her ââ¬Å"gentlemen callers.â⬠Tomââ¬â¢s main responsibilities, created by Amanda, are to take care of Laura and the family. Amanda and Tom are constantly fighting about their different views of what they wish the futur e to bring. To cope with his problems, every night Tom ventures off to probably a bar, gets drunk, and then tells his family he was at the movies ("Plot Summary: The Glass Menagerie"). Williams tries to express a personal struggle about trying to leave his family with out feeling guilt (John Lahr) through fictional characters paralleling his family. These struggles are seen as failed responsibilities in the view of an existentialist. The responsibility of being an existentialist is conveyed through Tennessee Williamsââ¬â¢ autobiographical character Tom and his failed responsibilities, guilt of the past, and denial of reality in The Glass Menagerie. The play takes place during the Great Depression in the 1930s, but America was in World War II when Williams wrote the play. The ... "Sartre's Philosophy through 1945: Phenomenology and Ontology." Jean-Paul Sartre. Boston: Twayne, 1983. 36-38. Print. Clinton, Craig. ââ¬Å"The Glass Menagerie: Tennessee Williams." The Facts on File Companion to American Drama. Ed. Jackson R. Bryer and Mary C. Hartig. New York: Facts on File, 2004. 178. Print. Crowell, Steven. "Existentialism." The Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Winter 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. "Existentialism-A Philosophy.", 2012. Web. 03 May 2012. The Glass Menagerie. Drama for Students. Ed. David Galens and Lynn Spampinato. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998. Print. Lahr, John. "Telling It Like It Isnââ¬â¢t." The New Yorker. 06 May 2010. Web. 2 May 2012. "Plot Summary: The Glass Menagerie." DISCovering Authors. Detroit: Gale, 2003.Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 17 Apr. 2012.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How Boko Haram Developed And Under Developed Nigeria Essay
1.0 INTRODUCTION The stability of any society depends largely on the ability of its citizens to live together in harmony and peace. However, history has provided us with many instances of occasional uprisings in Nigeria which might have occurred as a result of a political, religious, cultural or tribal misunderstanding. Such squabbles, many a time, have ended up in bloodletting. Presently, Nigeria has not ceased to experience some misguided and misled fellowship in the name of religion. This is because, for some years now, many Nigerians especially in the Northern part of the country have lived in a perpetual fear of the unknown as a result Boko Haram insurgence. Thus, since 2009 till date, the activities of an Islamic sect called ââ¬Å"BOKO HARAMâ⬠have bedevilled the Nigerian society and threatened the very foundation of her unity and peace. What baffles me is that these insurgents even claim to be fighting for justice in Nigeria. Also, it is pertinent to remark that while Nigeria is endowed with abundant resources, numerous challenges of insecurity orchestrated by Boko Haram insurgency nowadays within the polity appears to have created porous security condition that engenders violence and retards development. The basic question many Nigerians and foreigners ask is: How has Boko Haram developed or underdeveloped Nigeria? This paper is thus an attempt to address this question posed above. But this paper argues that boko haram activities have not been of any good help to Nigeria; hence, it has contributed to Nigerian underdevelopment especially the Northern part of the country. Before we proceed, it is of utmost necessity to clarify certain terms that will appear within this intellectual exposition. 2.0 CLARIFICATION OF TERMS According to Aristotle, ab initio disputandis, definitio nominis, (definition of terms is the beginning of any discussion.) hence, it is of paramount importance for us to clarify some of our key words that will frequently occur within the fabrics of this intellectual study. 2.0.1 Definition of Development and Underdevelopment According to Agbakoba, ââ¬Å"development denotes a type of change, a purposeful or goal-oriented changeâ⬠. While in the words of Walter Rodney, development ââ¬Å"implies increased skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity,à self-discipline, responsibility and material well-beingâ⬠¦.more often than not, the term development is used in an exclusive economic sense-the justification being that the type of economy is itself an index of other social featuresâ⬠. Hence, our definition of development here is from economic perspective. Development therefore, could be defined as the process of empowering people to maximise their potentials and their ability to explore nature in order to meet daily human needs. It is a process by which the quality of human lives and capacity to surmount daily needs are considerably improved. However, according to Rodney, ââ¬Å"underdevelopment is not absence of development, because every people have developed in one way or another and to a greater or lesser extent. Underdevelopment makes sense only as a means of comparing levels of developmentâ⬠. So, underdevelopment implies inadequate development, low levels of economic productivity as compared to other developed countries or regions. 2.0.2 BOKO HARAM Etymologically, the term Boko Haram is made up of two different words namely; Boko and Haram. Boko is the Hausa word meaning ââ¬Å"western educationâ⬠while Haram is the Arabic word figuratively meaning ââ¬Å"sinâ⬠and literally meaning ââ¬Å"forbidden or impermissibleâ⬠. Thus, the term when loosely translated means ââ¬Å"western education is forbiddenâ⬠. Boko Haram group propagates that western education is forbidden because it sees western education as corrupting the Muslims. However, Boko Haram group seems to me as a destructive political tool with a cosmetic pretension of being religious. Because Boko Haram group attempts not only to sow panic but also to undermine confidence in the government and political leadership of Nigeria, it could also be called a Terrorist Group. Little wonder the US government though belatedly has confirmed Boko Haram as one the Terrorist groups in the world. (cf. Punch Newspaper on Dec; 1, 2013) 3.0 Nigeria and Boko Haram Insurg ence: An Exposition Since independence, Nigeria appears to have been bedevilled with ethno-religious conflicts. With over 400 ethnic groups, belonging to several religious sects, Nigeria since independence has been grappling and trying to cope with the problem of ethnicity and ethno-religious conflicts. Needless to say that, in May 1999, Nigeria returned to civil rule which wasà accompanied with fresh hopes and latent optimism Regrettably, the worst seems to have occurred due to current rise in Boko Haram uprising. Boko Haram insurgency is a destructive political tool with a cosmetic pretension of being religious. Nigeria does not seem to have suffered only from the economic setbacks caused by Boko Haram bombings but also suffers from the battered image and humanitarian disaster the group inflicted on her. For instance, between July 27, 2009 and February 17, 2012, Boko Haram has launched fifty three (53) attacks in which 1157 people were killed and hundreds of people injured in the Northern Nigeria. T his indiscriminate and sporadic bombing seem to make Northern Nigeria increasingly unsafe and has compelled most non-indigenes of the region to relocate especially the Igbos. I therefore set out in this paper to argue with the following points, how the despicable activities of Boko Haram group have underdeveloped Nigeria. 4.0 How Boko Haram Underdeveloped Nigeria: A Critical Analysis The lethal activities of the Islamic sect, Boko Haram, are crippling the economy of Nigeria especially the North and has stultified the developmental strategies of the country thereby leaving us in the abysmal state of economic backwardness and underdevelopment. Although some may say that Boko Haram has some developmental characters because it has revealed the ineffectiveness of our force men, ensured checks and balances in government and has increased the rate development in the Southern part of the country. But I stand here to refute such claims saying that Boko Haram (Terrorism) has been of no benefit to Nigeria, rather it has led to the underdevelopment of Nigeria with these points: 4.0.1 Insecurity No meaningful development will thrive in any environment where people are in constant fear of the unknown due to insecurity. This is the dismal state in which Boko Haram activities in the Northern Nigeria have left us. Needless to say that, the security situation in Nigeria has become so alarming, disturbing, and upsetting nowadays because of the recurrent attacks of these Boko Haram insurgents. The spate of insecurity in the Northern Nigeria has impacted negatively on both the private and public sectors of the economy as many business men and traders have relocated their businesses from the region. This, though pathetically, has led to a massive underdevelopment of the North. This has warranted channelling of the money which would have beenà used for other developmental strides to security in Nigeria annual budget. Little wonder the federal government spent 950 billion naira in 2013 only to combat insecurity caused by Boko Haram insurgence. Depopulation of the North and Overpopulation of the South Since current attack by Boko Haram group has become the order of the day in most Northern states, it has led to many Southerners and even some Northerners to relocate to the South for the sake of their life. This has led to the depopulation of the North and Overpopulation of the South; hence decreasing the Internal Revenue (1GR) of most Northern states thereby leaving the government with little or no money to carry out some developmental projects. In the other hand; due to large influx of people to the South, it has led to environmental problems like overpopulation, dilapidation of existing infrastructures, deforestation, cultural breakdown etc. These make life in both regions unbearable; hence pointing out that Boko Haram activities have succeeded in under developing both Northern and Southern part of the country. 4.0.3 Stifling of Economic and Social Development Boko Haram activities have led to dislocation of people from their business base, hence leading to disruption of economic activities. In Nigeria presently, the fear of Boko Haram is everywhere. Financial and business activities have been paralysed as everyone live in fear. Banks and their customers are also operating under difficult situation and have reduced their business hours to guard against being attacked by members of the sect. In most states in the North, the devastating socio-economic effects of the sectââ¬â¢s sequential killings and bombings, especially in Borno, Yobe, Niger, Kaduna, Kano, Kogi, Bauchi, Sokoto etc., have destroyed economic and commercial activities with many people relocating to other places. It should then be noted that Boko Haram have not only led to closure and/or abandonment of peopleââ¬â¢s business activities within affected region but also led to migration of people from the affected Region. It has also led to reduction of peopleââ¬â¢s patron age of product from the Northern Region. Also, the Boko Haram insurgence has reduced drastically; government derivation from the affected region (IGR) due to restiveness in those places as well as reduced investment and growth of business in the affected places without excluding government executed project. Little wonder why the 2011 Worldà Investment Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development reported that stillness in business activities caused by insecurity in Kano State alone has cost the Nigerian economy N1.3trillion. Furthermore, Boko Haram activities have stifled social developmental programmes like; youth employment, housing, health schemes, education, welfare services etc. in the Northern part of the country. In fact, almost all the states under Boko Haram rampage have been completely isolated economically, socially and politically. The resultant effect of these is underdevelopment of the country, especially the affected region. 4.0.4 Scaring Away of Foreign and Local Investors The inimical uprising of Boko Haram has negatively affected the relationship between Nigeria and other Nations of the world. Incessant bombing coupled with kidnapping and hostage taking with or without demand for ransom by the members of Boko Haram has scared away both foreign and local investors from Nigeria, especially the Northern part of the country. In fact, this terrorist group has paralyzed the diplomatic relation between Nigeria and many countries of the world. The concomitant result of all these are poverty, low per capita income and underdevelopment. 4.0.5 Reduction of Human resources The crisis occasioned by Boko Haram has led to the death of many ebullient Nigerians thereby reducing the skilled and unskilled labour force of the country. The United Nation affirmed this assertion by saying that about 1,200 people have been killed since May 2013 when a state of emergency was declared in three North Eastern states (Cf. Punch Newspaper Dec; 16, 2013 or Daily Sun of Dec; 17, 2013. Aljazeera TV on September 30, 2013 reports that since 2009, an estimated 3,600 people have been killed through Boko Haramââ¬â¢s disastrous activities. We can even talk of brutal Bama attack, 22 people killed in Catholic Church at Waga Chakawa village in Adamawa just last Sunday and myriads of other attacks perpetuated by Boko Haram insurgents at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. All these lead to reduction of lives and properties worth over billions of naira and live our nation in the miserable state of underdevelopment. 5.0 EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION From the above analysis, we can affirm without any fear of equivocation that Boko Haram has really underdeveloped Nigeria especially the Northern part of the country that is why socio-economic activities in the North have drastically been reduced. The implication is that the crisis is rather under-developing Northern region and threatens Nigeriaââ¬â¢s prospect of joining the league of highly developed countries come the year 2020. Personally speaking, the impact of the activities of the Boko Haram group in Nigeria cannot be overemphasised. It retards economic growth and distorts socio-cultural equilibrium and leads to environmental deterioration. At the same time, it resurrects the issue of suspicion which led to the Nigerian civil war of 1967-1970 among three major ethic groups in Nigeria. Regrettably, the activities of Boko Haram in Nigeria have paralysed almost all sectors of the countryââ¬â¢s life and have distorted peace and stultified progressive development of Nigeria. B oko Haram has really underdeveloped Nigeria.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Reaction to Amistad Movie
Kaylan Earls March 22, 2013 COMM3820 Reaction To Amistad Amistad was a very touching movie and showed a lot of fight and determination from the West Africans and several others working to gain freedom for the slaves.. During the movie I felt that I to were experiencing the gruesome triumphs that the West African slaves experienced during their fight toward freedom. Though I have seen several movies dealing with race it is always interesting to learn more about history. Amistad showed how the West Africans stuck together and remained as one to fight for their freedom and be reunited with their families once again.An issue that really hit a spot was how the slaves had to continue to go back to trial after being given their freedom once before due to illegal captivation. I think because of history and how race had such a impact in past times, regardless if the slaves were illegally captivated, the White House made the decision based off what was right for only their sake. I think during those times African Americans were just seen for their color and were being enslaved just because just for that simple reason. Though it was great to see that the Mende people finally were granted their freedom after a third trial, t was not fair that they had to go through so much for something they were already given before. This film had a huge impact on my thinking about race. Being African American I know the marches and all that was put in to get to where we are today. It's so inspiring to see and makes me so much more appreciative that todays society is better than it was in the past. Though I am sure that there are still some racial problems it is not nearly as bad as before. I liked the movie because I feel like in a way it showed how we all should have been treated equally in a way because the Mende eople were enslaved for no reason. I think it relates to my life because their are still some that have their strong racist beliefs because of how they may have been raised. I t's scary to think of how life would be if I lived the life that some of my people did when they were alive. I think it would be safe to say that the society has come a long way and if we still dealt with the same issues we wouldn't have an African American President today. I believe that the film was a little gruesome but not at exaggerated at all with the in treatment of the blacks.The non-blacks seemed to have no sympathy in what they were doing, they were simply doing what they had do, because in their eyes it's life. There are many other films that show the same treatment to slaves. Only knowing some basic treatments I fully believe that the way the Mende people were treated in the movie is how they were treated realistically. As stated before, I really have a lot more appreciation for my race. My ancestors and so many others experienced some really hard times and had to deal with things that no human should ever have to deal with regardless of the color of their skin.Not that I never appreciated what my people have done for freedom, but it is always very inspiring and impactful to see how much went into a tremendous fight for freedom. In our generation now, not many know exactly what it was like to live the life that African Americans before we were born, so it's good that we have films that shows us and help us learn. I would hope that this movie had some type of impact on the society because it is a very touching film. No one now could ever put themselves in the shoes of those who actually experienced these times.I know that if it was hard to even watch the way the slaves were treated in the movie, I could only imagine what it was actually living it. This movie shows society that this treatment was unnecessary, there is no possible reason why African Americans were treated the way they were. Amistad was a touching, impactful movie and it would be a movie I recommend people to see, just to learn more about history. Today racial issues sometimes get over looked and to see a movie that shows how they use to be may make people become more aware of how they treat someone else that is a different race.
Joseph’s Story
B. Cellular processes and membrane functions that will be affected if Josephââ¬â¢s heart stopped would be as follows. Oxygen, glucose, and essential ions that are required for the heart to pump will slow down. Each of his cells will have to work harder and faster which uses up his energy supply. Carbon dioxide levels inside the cells will rise, which causes his PH to drop. The mitochondria will run out of oxygen and glucose to make essential ATP, which eventually causes the cells to die. Active transport pumps will shut down the plasma membranes of his heart which in return causes sodium to leak into the cells and potassium to leak out. If heart stops the brain can no longer function and if the heart doesnââ¬â¢t get oxygen soon, loss of O2 will eventually lead to death. C. Lack of ATP affected the plasma membrane pumps and meant that calcium stopped moving from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum of his cardiac muscle cells. The plasma membrane protects cellular contents and mediates the entry and exit of substances. The cytosol is where metabolic reactions occur. The ER has two parts, the rough ER is covered by ribosomes and is attached to the nuclear envelope and smooth ER lacks ribosomes. Lysosome enzymes normally bound safely inside vesicles began to digest the plasma membranes and the membranes of the organelles. The lysosomes are vesicles formed from Golgi complex and contain digestive enzymes. D. The coronary muscles and the heart muscles are needed in order for Josephââ¬â¢s body to be repaired. The coronary muscles have to be unblocked in order to reestablish blood flow to the heart and because of have suffering a massive heart attack parts of the muscle can become permanently damage, the remaining parts that are not damaged will need to be provided oxygen. E. without ATP, oxygen, and nutrients, multiple cellular processes affecting homeostasis can shut down. The proteins in the cell membrane that were involved in the homeostatic imbalances of his heart cells were the plasma membrane itself, the cytosol where the calcium was removed, The ER, the cytoskeleton which was attacked by the proteases that spilled in the interior of the cell, and the lysosomes which were normally safely bound inside vesicles began digesting plasma membranes and the membranes of the rganelles. F. The damage to the cellular processes could have caused irreversible cell death in the brain within a matter of minutes if oxygen is not available. Water balance, ionic equilibrium, and PH balance are all key factors in the homeostasis of individual cells.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Santos Business Management Merging of Two áompanies
Santos Business Management Merging of Two à ¡ompanies Introduction Santos is an Australian company dealing with coal seam gas to produce gas energy for the entire country. It is a controversial company due to the past events that have affected the country in regard to the catastrophic mudflow. In case of these catastrophes, the company tries to rectify the natural afflictions arising from them.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Santos Business Management: Merging of Two à ¡ompanies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, the company used 79 million dollars to clean the area that was affected by the mudflow in Sidoarjo (Wheelwright 1957). This implies that the company protects the environment against destruction and degradation. In this light, the company might try to design strategies that seek to conserve the environment and purport sustainability alongside the green energy. For example, the company might trigger a merging process with another company seeking to conserve the environment. These companies include the wind farms and energy cooperatives (Wheelwright Miskelly 1967). When the corporation merges with the Santos Company, it would bring opportunities, risks, and benefits to the company. This paper seeks to identify the various benefits, opportunities, and benefits that would arise due to merging of the two companies. In this light, the paper will focus on a possible alliance between Santos Company and Hepburn wind (Fleckney 2011). In addition, it will use the Lukeââ¬â¢s Theory of power during the explanation. This theory approaches power from a multidimensional perspective seeking to incorporate power, reasons and freedom. It argues that power is an element allowing one party to change the behaviour of other people. It asserts that the party must have an appealing reason to its subjects. In addition, the subjects have a freedom to choose change amongst other aspects. Opportunities Alliance of the Santos Company and Hepburn wind farm would bring many opportunities for the individual companies. The opportunities that might arise due to the alliance are social, economic and natural.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this light, it is understood that each of the companies has individual weaknesses, strengths and challenges. Therefore, the alliance would help the companies to combine strengths and eliminate weaknesses. These are some of the opportunities that would arise from the alliance of the two companies. Diversification The Santos Company is based on providing gas and oils to the international and foreign market. They have relied on production of the two products since conception. Consequently, they have not developed other forms of energy. However, natural gases and oils are exhaustible due to their natural existence. In addition, the two natural resources can neither be renewed nor re cycled through artificial techniques. This implies that the companyââ¬â¢s future is not very reliable. In fact, the company might lose its economic solvency as time elapses. On the other hand, the Hepburn Wind relies on the production of energy through wind. This has become the friendliest production of energy around the world in relation to the environment. It has initiated the production of green energy that purports sustainability and environmental conservation. In fact, almost all countries are harnessing wind. However, Hepburn wind, which is a community company, relies entirely on the production of energy through wind. Therefore, there are various challenges that face the utilization of wind energy. These include the lack of wind during some seasons and change of its direction. This implies that the cooperation might fail momentarily and initiate power insufficiency in the community. As a result, the community would suffer from lack of power and cause serious economic losses . In this case, it is clear that the two companies encounter the risk of financial perishing. However, the alliance of the two companies would present a perfect economic opportunity. In the alliance, the companies would be relying on two power producing methods that include wind and gas energy. As a result, the failure of wind energy would lead to loss of power in the community. In that case, the alliance would rely on gas energy to provide power in the community.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Santos Business Management: Merging of Two à ¡ompanies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the contrary, lack of gas would be supplemented by the use of wind power for energy production. Therefore, the two companies would have an opportunity of diversifying power production. Consequently, they would reduce the risk of inexistence and lack of solvency. In regard to Lukeââ¬â¢s Theory, the two companies would change their c ulture into diversification. Therefore, they would influence each other and develop the freedom of business solvency for a long time. Community Service The companies are seeking to offer services within their community by providing various forms of energy including gas, oil and electricity from the wind. However, each of the companies has its own market share to serve. For example, the Hepburn wind is serving about 2300 households while Hepburn is providing energy to the territories in the entire Mainland of Australia. Therefore, the alliance will allow the two companies to serve a bigger part of the community than the current area. This implies that the income generated through their projects is increased significantly. In addition, they will reach many people across the country and allow them to facilitate value maximization. In this light, value maximization does not focus on the profits that a company realizes. Instead, it aims at ensuring that the subjects are getting efficient and sufficient services. The alliance will facilitate this by accessing a large number of people and ensuring that enough power is supplied. Therefore, the alliance will present an opportunity for the companies to serve the community and increase their service share. Sustainable Development This is a concept seeking to focus on a development that is more than a mere development. In this light, it views development in a multidimensional view rather than limiting development to the economic side. As a result, it focuses on the social, economic, and environmental issues of human development. It argues that there are three combinations that lead to sustainability (Goodall 2012). First, the combination between social aspects and environment makes a bearable life. The combination of the environment and economy brings about viability of human life. Lastly, the combination of social aspects and economy brings about equitability (Campbell Mollica 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The alliance comprising of the Santos and Hepburn wind would present an opportunity allowing them to practice sustainable development. Consequently, Hepburn project seeks to produce green energy that is friendly to the environment. On the other hand, Santos produces energy through a method that can lead to gradual environmental degradation. However, Lukeââ¬â¢s Theory asserts that parties can influence the culture of other parties especially when in partnership. Therefore, Hepburn will seek to change the destructive cultures into constructive ones. The alliance is within a better financial position that would allow allocation of some funds to environmental rehabilitation. As a result, they would have an opportunity to initiate development in a substantial and sustainable manner. Natural Resources The two companies would have the opportunity of getting more resources for use. In this case, it is important to note that Hepburn Association owns the Hepburn wind project and Leonard Hi ll found to the south of Victoria. They use the wind turbines to harness wind and produce energy. However, the land found below the turbines is not used for other activities. This implies that the land is a waste land rendered unproductive due to a single objective of the project. However, Santos can explore on the hills and determine whether they have the natural gases and oils. This implies that the abandoned land will be transformed into a resourceful area of production. On the other hand, Santos Company mines the natural gas and leaves the lands abandoned. If the companies would form an alliance, Hepburn wind project can be extended to the areas that Santos Company has left. Benefits There are various benefits that would accompany the alliance of Hepburn winds and Santos Company. In this light, the alliance will benefit the company and the community. The benefits are environmental, economic and social. These are some of the benefits that would be experienced by the alliance. Cap ital Availability The companies have different capital and financial assets. However, the individual assets are directed to the production of energy. This implies that the two companies allocate funds to similar project producing energy. The alliance would ensure that the companies combine their individual capital into a single amount. This would ensure that the alliance has a bigger capital than the individual companies. Therefore, they would have enough capital allowing them to focus on the two projects in an efficient manner. Hepburn Winds owned by the community would run efficiently due to the influx of foreign funds from the Santos Company. On the other hand, Santos Company would get support from the community. Reduced Cost The individual production of energy is costly due to the individual operations of the two companies. In this case, the cost of logistics is very high because the companies experience the cost individually. However, the alliance would allow the companies to i ntegrate their logistics and meet a single cost. As a result, the logistic cost would be reduced to a half of the total cost that the companies incur individually. This implies that the overall cost of energy production would reduce. Reducing the cost of logistics enables the companies to provide energy at a cheap price. This would promote the spirit of value maximization that focuses on serving the customers efficiently and sufficiently. In addition, it would ensure that the companies increase the area of service by reaching people in the population. In fact, this is an initiative of developing the country in a sustainable manner. According to the previous paragraph, sustainability ensures that people are served by considering social and economic capabilities. Therefore, the low priced supply of power is a strong element of sustainability. According to Lukeââ¬â¢s Theory of power, a company should seek to empower its subjects. In this light, it should instil a sense of freedom in their lives. Power cost reduction improves the financial freedom of the subjects relying on the two companies (Bragg 2010). Therefore, the benefit is compatible to the theory because it caters for freedom. In addition, it reduces the cost to empower the financial position of people. This implies that the alliance would have a discrete reason to cut the cost. As a result, it satisfies Lukeââ¬â¢s theory that requires a company to exercise power through reasoning. In addition, this alliance would help the companies to reduce the organizational cost. The alliance enables the management to integrate staffing techniques. This implies that the staff will be reduced significantly. As a result, the money paid to those staff members is diverted to other sectors of the alliance. Moreover, they are able to integrate the structure present in their individual organizations. For example, the companies will share a single headquarter. This will increase the efficiency and accessibility of the a lliance (Alberts Segall 1966). Also, it will reduce the cost of logistics involved in the separate organization. Similarly, the money is used to improve technology and conduct other researches. Additional Research Individually, the companies do minimal research on their respective fields due to financial constraints. This leads to low productivity of energy including electricity and gas. Upon the process of merging, the companies obtain a high financial capability that enables them to invest a lot of money on research. This helps the alliance to produce much energy for the population. Therefore, it makes it possible for the alliance to serve more people than operating individually. Also, it ensures that the energy produced can sustain the population. Technological Advancement In the alliance, the companies will invest on their technology highly because they possess financial capabilities (Gutterman 1994). In this light, they will invest in efficient wind turbines that last for a lo ng time. This will reduce the cost of maintaining the wind turbines leading to increased profits. On the other hand, they will purchase advanced drillers that enable the alliance to drill high levels of gas and oil for refineries (Schacht 1991). Therefore, the alliance will be more efficient than separate companies. Risks A risk is a possibility of experiencing an undesirable event in the future (Holmes 2002). It is based mainly on the uncertainty of the event happening at a future time. Therefore, the parties involved do not have the knowledge concerning the future events (Krayenbuehl 1985). When merging organizations and companies, there are various risks that arise (Cameron 2004). Mostly, the risks are oriented financially because the organizations depend on finances to run their logistics. The succeeding paragraphs will discuss about the risks associated to the alliance of Hepburn wind and Santos Company. Exhaustion The most critical risk that accompanies the alliance is exhaust ion of energy. It is clear that Hepburn relies on wind energy that can stop or change direction. This implies that wind energy is not very promising for the population and the alliance (Moretto 2008). In addition, gas and oil deposits can diminish because they occur naturally. Similarly, the existence of the gas and oil deposits is not guaranteed for the alliance. This implies that the alliance will be experiencing a vertical merging process. In this alliance, solvency is not guaranteed entirely. This leads to a risky situation because the two energy producing plants could fail. In fact, the failure would cause an immediate closure of the alliance. In case of a closure, it will become significantly difficult for the companies to restart when merged. Therefore, we can conclude that the alliance would be running on a dangerous and risky platform of operation. Debts Obviously, many organizations take commodities on credit and utilize them before paying. In this light, the organizations discussed on this paper might have debts in their original setup. In a merging process, the assets and liabilities are transferred from the individual companies to the alliance (Thompson Cook 2006). The debts might take a huge part of the revenue and reduce the solvency of the two companies. In fact, the companies might experience much risk if either of the companies does not disclose all information about its liability. In this case, the companies must ensure that their partners disclose all information required. Conflict of Interest The companies operate different projects in light of producing energy. Hepburn association produces energy through wind while Santos depends on the natural deposits during the production of energy. There is a risk that is associated with conflict of interest by the personnel from the two companies. This would affect the management by reducing it efficiency and reliability (Rosenberg 2002). As a result, the alliance can fail and lose the assets that i t had acquired. Conclusion The aim of this paper was to discuss the possible opportunities, benefits, and risks that would be associated with the alliance of Santos Company and a community corporation. In light of accomplishing that task, the company has focused on Santos Company and Hepburn wind project. It has discussed the opportunities, risks, and benefits that would be realized. Therefore, it is an all-inclusive paper that serves its purpose. References Alberts, W Segall, J 1966, The corporate merger, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Bragg, S 2010, Cost reduction analysis tools and strategies, John Wiley Sons, Hoboken. Cameron, S 2004, Risks. Wheeler, Waterville. Campbell, T Mollica, D 2009, Sustainability, Ashgate, Farnham Surrey, England. Fleckney, P 2011, The barriers to community renewable energy in Victoria. Law Book Co. of Australasia, Sydney. Goodall, C 2012, Sustainability, Hodder Stoughton, London. Gutterman, A 1994, Technology-driven corporate alliances a leg al guide for executives. Quorum Books, Westport, Conn. Holmes, A 2002, Risk management. Capstone Pub, Oxford, UK. Krayenbuehl, T 1985, Country risk: assessment and monitoring, Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass. Moretto, E 2008, Exchange ratios for merging companies, Emerald, Bradford, England. Rosenberg, N 2002, Conflict of interest, Hyperion, New York. Schacht, W 1991, Industrial competitiveness and technological advancement debate over government policy, Congressional Research Service Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Thompson, P Cook, T 2006, Alliances. Wizards of the Coast, Renton, WA. Wheelwright, E 1957, Ownership and control of Australian companies; a study of 102 of the largest public companies incorporated in Australia, Law Book Company of Australasia, Sydney. Wheelwright, E Miskelly, J 1967, Anatomy of Australian manufacturing industry; the ownership and control of 300 of the largest manufacturing companies in Australia. Law Book Co, Sydney.
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